
Saturday, June 7, 2014

Maitland Public Library 5k Race Recap

Today, I headed over to Maitland for the Maitland Public Library 5k! With it being a small race (only 145 participants) traffic wasn't a problem and parking was a breeze.  Apparently the restrooms in the park were under construction so facilities were limited, but I did hear this was one on the course that was available. It was a chip timed race that seemed to be using a different type of tracking then I've become used to. The chip on the bib was no thicker than a sticker and instead of running over a mat, they had some sort of scanner that you ran over that reminded me of going through an e-pass on the highway. (If only I could run as fast as I drive!)

The race began at 8am and I could already feel the humid air growing sticky.  What I like about smaller races us that you don't waste the first half mile or so just struggling against the pack to get room to run.  I felt good as I started running but that only lasted for a few minutes. Before I knew it, my shin started to hurt and the annoyance of it slowed me down.

The beautiful houses and scenic neighborhoods of the course were able to keep my mind off of it.  Before I knew it, I was at one of the two water stops along the course and boy was I happy.  The sun was growing stronger with every step I took. The race course doubled back to the road by the lake and ended with a bit of an uphill climb.  It became hard for me to breathe at a few points in the race which just made matters worse.  In no time I saw the finish line ahead and sprinted as fast as I could! After nearly running over the girl who was trying to throw a water bottle at me, I finished at 41:06.  Not bad for shin splints and problems breathing!

Overall, it was a pleasant small town 5k that was chip timed and offered a soft unisex shirt.  With the past theme of "dress like your favorite literary character" it was a great excuse to dress up as The Three Blind Mice and wear a tutu! I only wish that mile markers were placed on the course and that the volunteers along the course seemed more interested in what was going on.  One was even sitting down reading a book! 

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